
Arden Primary School

Every Child, Every Opportunity


Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

Subject: Science




At Arden Primary School, we aim to provide children with the foundations of understanding the world through exciting and engaging lessons. The world is becoming more technological and this is vital to the world’s prosperity so we need to teach children essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of Science. Nature is becoming a more distant idea to some children so we want to promote more of an interest, love and respect for nature. We want our children to appreciate the need for nature and the beauty within it.

Enquiry is the main drive for real Science so we endeavour to develop the natural curiosity of children. This curiosity will be fulfilled through knowledge acquisition. We look to encourage our children to become critical thinkers, to discuss and learn to question ideas that can affect their own lives and the future of the world.


We hope the children at Arden Primary School have the desire and love of Science that helps them become future scientists.




Science experiences will begin in the Early Years at Arden Primary School within the Understanding the World (UW) strand of the EYFS curriculum. They will be given chances to explore, observe and find out about people, places, technology and the environment. This will be done in a very informal manner where teachers will facilitate children’s curiosity by asking open ended questions and clearly thought out learning experiences. We believe in children leading their own learning through play and exploration with adults as key facilitators.


Key stage 1 and key stage 2 cover the topics set out by the national curriculum:


Year 1 – plants, animals including humans, everyday materials and seasonal changes

Year 2 – living things and their habitats, plants, animals including humans and uses of everyday materials

Year 3 – plants, animals including humans, rocks, light and forces and magnets

Year 4 – living things and their habitats, animals including humans, states of matter, sound and electricity.

Year 5 - living things and their habitats, animals including humans, properties and changes of materials, earth and space, and forces.

Year 6 – living things and their habitats, animals including humans, evolution and inheritance, light and electricity.


Where possible, topics are positioned in order to maximise links to other subject areas to encourage retention of key concepts. Within these topics, children will be taught how to work scientifically and will be equipped with the skills that are required to think and work like a scientist. The introductory skills taught in early years and key stage one will be revisited and developed throughout key stage 2. At the end of each topic, children will have the chance to complete a quiz to reflect on which areas of their learning they have successfully remembered.


Through exciting and practical lessons, children will be taught that they are all capable of achieving high standards in Science. Children will also have the opportunity to venture over to the Studio’s laboratory to partake in special Science investigations.

In our Saplings provision, children are encouraged to develop their understanding of the world through a range of sensory experiences.


As a school, we will make nature more visible to our children. This will be done with the creation of a garden space, where children will be given the chance to grow their own flowers and vegetables promoting essential life skills. We will also have visitors come into school to give children the chance to see some weird and wonderful animals.




Throughout their time at Arden Primary School, we want our pupils to have age related knowledge linked to the Science curriculum. This will enable them to access the secondary curriculum and to thrive in the world outside the classroom. We will also supply them with the starting skills that will provide a strong foundation for our children to be critical thinkers and practical learners. Through discussion with other children and teachers, the children will develop a rich scientific vocabulary that they can use competently.


Our pupils will leave Arden Primary School with enquiring minds, which allows them to question ideas and to have high aspirations in the field of Science.

Knowledge Organisers


In Science, we use knowledge organisers to make the vocabulary, subject knowledge and curriculum expectations clear. See below for examples.
