British Values are promoted through the ethos in Arden School.
We actively promote and model democracy at Arden by:
- getting children involved in democratic processes e.g. choosing Talk Ambassadors, class monitors, pupil representatives etc;
- delivering democracy linked assemblies;
- regularly giving out questionnaires, pupil interviews etc;
- teaching pupils to understanding Parliament and British Political History.
Rule of Law
We actively promote and model the rule of law by:
- sharing the School Behaviour policy – all stakeholders are aware of the policy and it is understood and followed;
- giving pupils regular opportunities to reflect on their learning and their behaviour during assemblies;
- giving out parent / carers' questionnaires relating to behaviour, safety etc;
- holding assemblies with a focus linked to the law e.g. school rules, Parliament planned into the assembly timetable;
- teaching anti-bullying, E Safety and the law.
Individual Liberty
We actively promote and model individual liberty by:
- supporting individuals to develop their self-esteem, self-knowledge and self-confidence;
- encouraging pupils to take responsibility for their behaviour, as well as knowing their rights;
- implement a strong anti-bullying culture.
Respect and Tolerance
We actively promote and model respect and tolerance by:
- modelling positive behaviour;
- engaging pupils in purposeful and positive play activities with others;
- demonstrating the similarities and celebrating the differences;
- PSHEE lessons and assemblies;
- creating opportunities for children to dress up in different clothes and try different foods from other cultures;
- encouraging parents/carers to participate and support our multi-cultural events;
- organising visits to places of worship greeting pupils in different languages;
- organising themed Key stage/subject days and special events