
Arden Primary School

Every Child, Every Opportunity


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It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Arden Primary School on behalf of all the Governors.


Arden is a vibrant, forward-thinking and happy school with high standards and expectations, skilled and professional staff, enthusiastic and well-behaved children and supportive parents and governors. All whom are extremely hard working, committed to raising standards and have consistently high expectations of pupils both academically and socially.


Our role as Governors is to make sure that objectives are met and that planning for the future is both aspirational and realistic. We are here to support and encourage the Headteacher, Senior Leadership team and teaching staff as a 'critical friend’ to maintain our commitment to achieving the highest standards of education.


The Governors work through two committees: Curriculum & Standards and Finance & Staffing, as well as carrying out individual roles to both challenge and support the school in achieving its ultimate aim to provide every child with every opportunity possible.


I feel privileged to be the Chair of Governors at Arden Primary School and to lead an experienced team who work hard to share their expertise to guide the school forward. We all try to attend school events, so look out for us and please come and have a chat. Otherwise, do not hesitate to contact me at or via the school office.

Mr Zaid Ahmed
Chair of Governors

Members of our Governing Body


We have a supportive Governing Body made up of parents, teachers and representatives from the community and the local authority.

The governors are interested in all aspects of school life. Each governor is partnered with one class of children in the school for which they develop a particular interest during their term as governors.

Governors can be contacted at any time through the school office. The minutes of each Governors’ meeting are displayed on the notice board in the entrance area.

Mr Zaid Ahmed


I joined the Governing Body back in 2009 as a parent governor and currently I am the Chair of Governors. I have four children, one of which is at Arden and the other two recently left after spending seven years at Arden.

I work as HR Services Manager for an International Charity for the last 10 years and have also been a therapist for the last 14 years. I work with people who suffer from various forms of mental illness from anxiety, depression to phobias and stress.

I am passionate about making a positive difference to our children in order for them to fulfil their potential.

Mr Irfan Ali


I am a former pupil of Arden Primary School and I have three daughters who all attend the school currently. A lot has changed since I attended Arden, but what has not changed is the passion and commitment of the school, teachers and children; and I am honoured to be a part of the team as a Governor.

I am very passionate about education, raising standards and I believe we must provide every resource available into moulding and encouraging our children to achieve the very best they can academically; whilst also crucially developing their social and life skills for them to become productive members of society.

Whilst most of my working life has kept me in London, my heart and home has always been in Sparkhill. I am permanently based in Birmingham and I hope to make a positive contribution in maintaining Arden's high standards and for the school and children to thrive and flourish together.

Mr Lee Wright


I have been working as part of Arden’s fantastic team of Governors for many years now. I have always loved this community having spent by early years of schooling at English Martyrs not too far from here so it seemed only natural that I should start my teaching career here too. Shortly after joining the Arden I was delighted to be nominated and selected as school governor during my NQT year.

Much of my teaching experience was gained at Arden from year group leader to the role of interventions manager working in year 6. I have worked alongside many of the staff at the school and been fortunate to learn from the outstanding teachers and teaching that takes place here. I am fiercely determined that the standards that we set ourselves and those of the children should never drop; In spite of the challenges that educationalists face today. I have developed some fantastic relationships with the parents and seen many a family thrive at Arden due to the work families and school commitment to education and learning. For me, this optimises the ethos of the school; parents and teachers working together to improve the futures of the children. My experiences of school leadership, at Arden and now St Edmunds, give me a fantastic insight into school development and the effective implementation of governance in a range of schools. It is these experiences that motive me to support the governors and school to continue to do the great things we do.

I have also recently developed a love of running which takes me to the streets of Birmingham and Solihull most weekends. Sport tends to take up most of my leisure time alongside spending time with my young family, which includes a very talkative 6 year old, who keeps me extremely busy outside of school!

Yasmin Ali

Shabir Bashir

Nazia Hussain

Sumaya Bibi

Rahiella Ashraf


