
Arden Primary School

Every Child, Every Opportunity

Year 1

Year 1 - Home Learning




Reading at home is one of the most beneficial ways a child can continue their academic development. It is a skill that feeds into all subjects, introducing pupils to new vocabulary and ideas while developing their own creativity and imagination. 


In Year 1, children have a reading for pleasure book and a phonics book to take home each day.


Year 1 children also have a reading diary for adults to make comments when they are being read with. The diaries also contain the phonic sounds for the children to practise.  

Homework - Maths and English


Year 1 children use a homework book.


Pupils in school follow the read write inc. phonics and spelling scheme and receive weekly spellings to learn at home. Teachers also set sentence composition homework based upon their spellings for the week.


Children also receive weekly maths homework that supports the learning from their lessons that week.


Below are the year 1 and 2 spelling words which all pupils should be able to spell correctly by the end of year 2.

Online resources

Pupils also have access to the following sites which have numerous activities to do at home:


DB primary : Login to Arden Primary School (

Purple Mash : Purple Mash by 2Simple

Espresso : Discovery Education | Account Login for Students & Educators


If my child is absent from a school due to a long term sickness...


If a pupil is away from school for an extended period of time due to sickness, work will be submitted regularly by teachers via the websites above. If pupils are unable to access the work due to IT difficulties, paper work packs can be requested. Speak to your class teacher for further information. 


Helpful websites:


Oak National Academy (

Primary Resources - KS2, KS1, Early Years (EYFS) KS3, KS4, Twinkl
