Every Child, Every Opportunity
Come and Join our outstanding Early Years!
As well as offering full-time places, we are pleased to now be able to give a more flexible provision for families in nursery by offering nursery places for children who are 'rising three'. Children may join Arden at staggered points during the year, with their education individually tailored to their stage of development. Children who turn three during the Christmas term may now enter the Nursery at the beginning of the Easter term in January. Children who turn three during the Easter term may now enter the Nursery at the beginning of the Summer term in April. Children who turn three after the start of the Summer term will enter the Nursery at the beginning Christmas term in September. Places are limited. Please contact us as quickly as possible if you are interested.
Early years was rated ‘Outstanding’ in 2019 with no areas of improvement.
“Children start school with skills and knowledge below those typical for their age, and in many cases well below. Skills are least developed in communication, language and literacy and in the children’s understanding of the world. Children make strong progress. They benefit from a high-quality learning environment inside and out. This, coupled with high expectations from all adults, ensures that every child thrives and enjoys a very positive start to school.”
Registering Children at Arden School
The Nursery Class
Parents can register their children at the school office at any time. The closing date for registering children for Nursery Class places will be displayed on the parents’ notice board as soon as the school has been informed. We need to see the child’s birth certificate, medical card and proof of residency at the address given eg. a utilities bill. This does not guarantee a place in the Nursery Class and a place in the Nursery Class does not guarantee a place in the school. The priorities are decided by the Local Authority.
The Reception Class/ All Classes
In September 2004, Birmingham City Council altered the procedure for applying for Reception Class places in all the city’s primary schools. The Education Department now manages the allocation of places and Arden Primary School will follow these procedures. All parents will receive an application form and an information book called “How to Start Your Child at School in Birmingham” sometime during the September before a child is due to start school.
The priorities for Reception Class and Nursery Class places are decided by Birmingham Education Authority. They are ~
• Children with special needs (as decided by L.E.A.).
• Brothers or sisters already in school.
• Closeness of home to school.
Children seeking a place from year 1 to 6 need to refer directly to the school and register interest. We need to see the birth certificate, medical card and proof of residency at the address given eg. a utilities bill.
If you have any questions please either call into the school office or phone on 0121 675 7702
Or use the Birmingham schools website - https://www.birmingham.gov.uk/schooladmissions