Every Child, Every Opportunity
We have our own catering kitchen at Arden, and all meals are prepared daily on site.
As a healthy school we encourage good quality nutrition and food. All the lunches that are prepared are carefully balanced and nutritionally checked against the Government food standards.
Children have choice of main meal and dessert along with a variety of vegetables, salad and fruit each day. Water is provided on the tables so that children help themselves, however our supervisors are on hand to support those who may need help.
All children eat in the school halls with lunches operating on a rotational system of year groups.
Our school menu rotates on a two-week basis. Here is our current menu:
Healthy eating is important for everyone but especially children so that they receive all the nutrients they need to develop and grow. Eating well and being active will improve your child's health as well as their ability to learn and achieve at school.
At Arden the importance of healthy eating is developed and promoted through PHSEE, PE lessons, the dining environment, assemblies and focus weeks.
As a school, we adhere to the School Food Standards to ensure healthy food is provided.
As a school we take every precaution to protect those children in our care with food allergies.
If your child has a known allergy please contact us immediately, and the medical team will get in contact with you. Photos of children with allergies are taken to help the kitchen staff identify the children when their lunches are being served. This is particularly important with younger children who might not be able to articulate their allergies. Children's names are also listed in classrooms so that teaching staff are aware of any allergies.
Read more about allergens from the Food Standards Agency:
All children who are in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 (Key Stage 1) are entitled to a free school meal irrespective of parental circumstances. This means that if you have a child in these years they may have a hot meal. The government tell us that this will save a parent £400 per year.
Free school meals may be available if parents receive any of the following: Income Support, income-based Jobseeker's Allowance, income-related Employment and Support Allowance, Child Tax Credit, provided they are not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by HMRC) that does not exceed £16,190, Working Tax Credit 'run-on' - the payment someone may receive for a further four weeks after they stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit.
You cannot claim free school meals if you or your partner work over 16 hours or more each week.
For those parents who pay for school meals, the costs are currently £2.65 per day per child (£13.25 per week).
We do not accept cash payments for meals, so to organise payment please obtain a password from Mrs Ali in the school office and then visit www.parentpay.co.uk
We also encourage healthy choices for children bringing lunches from home. A good packed lunch contains:
Water is provided on the tables and you should encourage your child to drink this as many bottled drinks are high in sugar and acid and hence damage teeth.
What about snacks such as crisps, cakes, pastries and sweets?
These foods should only be given occasionally. Children will then appreciate them more. If these foods are included in packed lunches they might eat these first and not have the appetite to eat the other foods that will provide them with the important nutrients they need to grow and be healthy.
We therefore ask that treats are given at home, following the government's recommended guidelines.
This is also important for those children with allergies who might accidentally eat foods to which they are allergic when given by a friend.
At break times, in Early Years and Key Stage 1 pupils are given a healthy fresh vegetable or fruit snack. In Key Stage 2, children may buy bottled water and a piece of fresh fruit from the daily Tuck Shop.
From time to time in school, parties take place for either Eid or end of term celebrations.
We appreciate that parties are usually an occasion where food is shared and in the past parents have been very generous. However, with the ever increasing risk of allergies, we ask that you only send in something for your child in a container, so that children are not exposed to any risks.