
Arden Primary School

Every Child, Every Opportunity

Q4: How can I be involved with my child's learning and progress?

Our school has an open door policy, ensuring we are always approachable so parents feel involved in the education of their child. This is done in a variety of ways including:

  • Parents' evenings every term.
  • Regular meetings with class teacher, (support staff where relevant) and the SENCo when needed.
  • Target setting so parents can see what their child is working on next.
  • Home/school books if needed to inform parents of important information.
  • Regular newsletter to inform parents of what will be going on during the term.
  • Important information on our school website.
  • Support with homework using the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) via DB primary.
  • Parent workshops.
  • Signposting to parent groups.
  • Parents' views on IEP/Annual Review documents.
  • Working with the parent link workers.