Every Child, Every Opportunity
GDPR Regulation Schools handle a large amount of personal data. This includes information on pupils, such as grades, medical information, images and much more. Schools will also hold data on staff, governors, volunteers and job applicants. Schools will also handle what the GDPR refers to as special category data, which is subject to tighter controls. This could be details on race, ethnic origin, biometric data or trade union membership.
This data is already governed by existing DPA regulations, which ensure personal data is handled lawfully. However, the new GDPR regulations requires organisations to document how and why they process all personal data, and gives enhanced rights to the individual.
GDPR Mind Map for schools visually shows the various tasks and key areas to understand in preparation to comply with the General Data Protection Regulations which were enforced in May 2018. The video is fun to watch and through graphics tells a vital story of a school's GDPR journey.