
Arden Primary School

Every Child, Every Opportunity




Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

Subject: English Writing




At Arden we are passionate about our writing as a means of communication for a purpose and pleasure. It is our intention to make writing in our school exciting for pupils where they can demonstrate their ideas, knowledge and understanding. Pupils will acquire the knowledge and understanding set out by the Primary Curriculum for Key stages 1 and 2 in the following areas:

  • transcription (spelling and handwriting)
  • composition (articulating ideas and structuring them in speech and writing).


For Early years foundation stage pupils, they develop their writing, through initially speaking and listening activities and phonics and then eventually recording these ideas in writing; scribing their names and familiar words phonetically before they leave Reception.


At Arden, pupils will learn and apply spelling patterns and rules they learn in each year group, building up more sophisticated vocabulary, so that by the time they leave Arden they can competently spell a comprehensive list of words and use them regularly in their writing.  We want children to be able to use a wide range of vocabulary with a solid understanding of the punctuation and grammar rules taught so that their writing is clear, coherent and accurate; allowing pupils to develop their own authorial voice and style for and in a range of contexts, purposes and audiences. At Arden, we also intend to motivate pupils to take pride in their presentation by helping pupils to develop a fluent, legible and, eventually, speedy joined handwriting style, developed with regular Handwriting Practice in each year group.


In order for children to write effective compositions, we aim to teach pupils the critical steps using oracy and role play (when possible), so that children have opportunities to form, articulate and communicate ideas by orally rehearsing sentences with others so that children can then go on to organising them coherently for a reader. In this way, children will then be confident when planning, revising/editing and evaluating their writing evolving into competent and independent writers.

We also intend to build a strong home-school partnership with parents and carers enabling them to support their child as best as they can in order to enhance the skills being taught in school.




For most year groups Writing is taught as a whole class where teachers use the end of year expectations in the year they teach to plan and deliver the Primary Writing Curriculum. Children begin their writing journeys by reading and examining high quality texts which serve as models for the writing the children will be expected to compose. When sharing these model texts, teachers build in lots of opportunities for examination of vocabulary, punctuation and grammar and genre features so that children understand the ‘toolkit’ they will need in their ‘toolbox’ for when they begin their own compositions. Children will practise rehearsing their ideas through oracy in fun ways, examining the use of emotive language and its effects on the listener/ reader.


At Arden our writing journey for each pupil is based on the Read Write Perform Approach (below)



Most year groups will use either an age-related text, or a Read, Write, Perform pack which links to their topics, where possible, so that learning is broad, balanced and cross-curricular.  

During lessons, teachers and teaching assistants target support for various learners. Sometimes it is for slower graspers to enable them to achieve at an age-related level wherever possible. At other times, it may be with able pupils to help them reach age-related expectations and sometimes with those children working at greater depth standards where they are supported to develop greater control in their writing, a deeper understanding of the impact that their writing has on the reader and by using a higher level of vocabulary and grammar features. Writing scaffolds and other resources will be used in lessons to help learners develop their writing to age related expectations and achieve targets set by teachers.

Vocabulary, spelling, punctuation and grammar are all incorporated in Writing lessons sequentially but are also sometimes taught as discreet lessons to consolidate knowledge and understanding. Children will receive weekly spellings to take home and learn as well as other Writing related homework and there will be competitions run regularly in school, focusing on creative compositions!

Writing assessments take place at the beginning and end of every genre taught and help inform targets each child needs ‘Cold Write/Hot Write’. Book monitoring by school leaders helps staff and children to ensure judgments in assessments are accurate and in line with those writing expectations nationally.


Intended Impact


By the end of key stage 2, pupils will have written effectively for a range of purposes and audiences. Pupils will have acquired skills to confidently select the appropriate form of writing by drawing independently on what they have read as models for their own writing. They will have a vast and rich vocabulary which they use competently as a result of their excellent oracy skills. Pupils will leave primary school being able to effectively apply spelling rules and patterns they have been taught using clear, legible, fluent joined handwriting at a reasonable speed. Parents and carers will have confidence in how to support their child and their needs by regular communication as a result of forming strong and positive relationships with school staff. The % of pupils working at age related expectations (ARE) within each year group will be at least, or close to, the national average. The % of pupils working at Greater Depth within each year group will be at least, or close to being, in line with the national average. Every child will have reached their full writing potential despite their economic group.
